A sweet long shrill whistle followed me
Every time I peeped out of the window to see!
Surprised I was to find none there to be
In search, I strayed through lanes, in hours wee.
Lazy air, camly enclosed me wherever I be,
I knew not opening this secret lock with key!
Confused I was, wondered who could it be!
My efforts didn’t reward, betrayal smiled in glee!
One over the other thoughts,surmounted in number,
innumerable and strange sounded this stranger,
As I strode to the road in fog once again it nearer,
A fear gripped,I jogged fast in fog denser,
On heels I was trying to escape this intruder
But it seemed to follow me more and more nearer ,
Both seemed trekking like coupled mountaineer!
Crossing 50s,I was convinced to be a fair safer!
To escape from insulting, watching eyes surer
Yet wondered why a geriatric got such a follower?
How dare ,I thought was thi following