There’s some force stopping me

walk forward however courageous I be

A rise and immediate fall there is

And my decisions go always amiss!

What for ,why does it oftenhappen

Why does my spirit get so dampen?

All around is automatically run

As is the dawn and the rising sun🌄

Yet my complaint in thought arise

They weaken strength in disguise!

O the world it walks on its own

Why am I ,so sensitivity prone

What is to happen will come across

Believe in self,take a quiet pause.

Wait for none,they are sure to go

That’s the rule,they are not your foe!

Nature of dream is to vanish

Wait not for time to smoothly polish

It’s come to escape your grip later

Be cautious they may burst like crator

Look at birds, trees and mountains

They’re like particles of nature’s fountain

Their chirping ,blooming,blossoming all seem,

Changes occur as on waking from dreams.

Wait not to ponder ,tread on duty path

Stand not to brood for the arrived aftermath !

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