My road to my right

The only weapon in Mother’s arms I had

Were tears and howls to make all feel bad

My parents were irritated and very sad

To calm me down ,tactfully tricks they tried !

Milk and water was all they would offer,

While I watched, their plate with pizza savour!

This was enough for my anger to tower!

Gradually some cereals rested on my platter.

With less salt and sugar taste wasn’t “chater pater!”

Annoying still when glasses of milk got fewer!

My growth was good, I toddler with support.

With smell,I could delicacies on table sort!

Reached for bowls on table edge,not


grabbing them tight to the floor I brought !

“O my! O my!” My mom in distress shout !

But soon melted seeing me innocently pout.

She understood intentional longing though.

first served me savories but in quantity low.

Day by day I grew witty and strong more!

I let her not eat till in my plate she would pour !

She well guessed, coming times would be hard.

Without my share to her plate she couldn’t dart!

Soon with all,on the table, I sat to dine!

And enjoyed the good food,not later to pine!


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