” प्यार का बंधन”

पुकारो प्रेम से ,कहो ना उसे,बंधन!वह तो बना है मेरे हृदय का स्पंदन !मासूमियत गर्भित वह महकता चंदन,करता मन जिसका प्रतिपल वंदन! वह पास रहे या हो कितना भी दूर ,गूंजती रहती उसकी तान सुरीली मधुर,धड़कती श्वास में बसे हैं उसके ही सुर,मेरा जीवन बना जैसे राधा का मधुपुर! क्या कह कर यह रिश्ता मैं समझाऊं?प्रतिपल साथ मग्न जिसका मैं निभाऊं,“खुशियां उसके चूमें चरण!”मै गीत यही गाऊं,और तुझ पर सर्वस्व न्योछावर कर जाऊं! ना इच्छा,ना अधिकार ,ना है कोई कामना!बस हम रहें जहां भी यह रिश्ता सदा रहे बना!है विश्ववास,यह साथ रहेगा सबसे अपना,तुम प्यार हो! बंंधन नही,मीत मेरे मनभावना! … Continue reading »” प्यार का बंधन”

I saw you,in green bushes, appear as tiny dots,

On apex of those stems in plants of pots! Enclosed soon,you became in spiky silk sepals, Then those little moons peeped as fair petals! A magic! as His strokes blessed you appear, Beyond were reasons of His artistic action’s gear! “How did you chose their color ,I wondered, Each hued sequentially ,and equally favoured! Your first appearance percieved as snowy pearl, Stably studded,in breeze, they did swirl! Now and then,every hour,impatiently I ran to see, As your speckless frock layers, opened in glee! Morning passed they gazed around wide sky, Many quizzez echoed in mind,for reasons selfishly sly! Sun strode … Continue reading »I saw you,in green bushes, appear as tiny dots,

Eyes are conveyors most true

express all feelings inwardly bru Accepting and returning in liu Opening vents when pain doth sue! None need to speak more words smash others with edged swords It holds experiences with records Empathizing sensitively it prods! It speaks without shredding part, leaves on cheeks,dews of untold thwart ! They smile expressing each bit of joy, And close when they avert or coy! Its iris plays mischief, a little boy. Chances cleverly, quits with tactic ploy! Holds no tools yet aptly on call,is laced, Tries tricks tactfully when hurdle faced! leaves no clue for observers to be traced, Closed are its … Continue reading »Eyes are conveyors most true

Why does Man trick his brother always

A moment he agrees ,the next he plays Fraudulent is his practice, advices and surmise Never does he himself truthfully plies! He expects the others, expectations to beckon Patiently though learns not, wise lesson, Yet, aims holding high, a glowing beacon. Though forgets not, stating wise sermons! His two faces compete with one another, Truth believes in simplicity, trust in brother! Ambitious world it as docility rather, Strange rule of world verses royality of FATHER! “What use is morality?”it’s often asked, Frauds are prevalent, cheats do bask! They are declared wise,they attain rise! While honesty labours hard,simplicity cries! Posted in … Continue reading »Why does Man trick his brother always

Whenever a decision is to arrive

happiness with doubt is in sight Many questions flicker,contentment flies, Beneath every proof ,a lacuna lies! Mind says ,”Go ahead”but heart denies, Though mind consents but satisfaction tries! Which way to go lord ?tell me clear, All roads seem smeared with rising fear! Sun doth rise,newer challenges arrive, End goal of desired peace,all do strive!, Pearl for swan,salvation for sage and seer, A road untraveled heartless base to peer! Alike fish in water,man’s busy in query, He trecks his way searching ripened berry! He treks on falls and rise, he is ever in hurry, Achieve, accumulate and emass,is His worry! … Continue reading »Whenever a decision is to arrive

“Management dwindles”

Every thing that’s well arranged today There’s no security, it’ll ever stay That was alive crispy, now on Earth lay As is it’s crestfallen for ever at bay!. None can be blamed what comes one’s way Changes come rotating with a sway The risen Sun goes down losing it’s bright ray. This is way all is destined to give away. Present becomes a past,next moment it is gone. Events close as flowers deseased prone On all roads one travels all alone High or low they are not expected to mourn. Faces bright,heart always beats aloud, Denying truth Man on time … Continue reading »“Management dwindles”


I woke up early morning today Saw stars on Sky clear joyous sway they twinkled numerous in a tray The half moon looked quizzing fray ! asking why did I wake up so early To peep out of doors so religiously?” perplexed I was as words poured eagerly “I Never knew this hour was so lovely!” The air so calm,the hour so quiet, It’s 4 o’ clock, and there’s no Sunlight! A silence , and no early bird in sight, As if planning for their day’s flight! Still standing trees do quietly observe, Blessed by His touch as they deserve! … Continue reading »“PRELUDE TO DAWN”


Time as ever is running It’s wheels are destiny weaving Threads of numerous planning Repenting is not worth pining! He is all around and within Eyes see through lens keen. With mesh of sinuses unseen His presence is as ever preen! day with departure doth arrive Without notices of caution to thrive Physical presence soon becomes archive Only His power spreads far and wide! Groan not for what’s come is gone Ephemeral things are not meant to moan Strength exists with courage sown A dream it is,a hallucinations pawn Hold onto Him,a proven truth! Nothing but his touch doth sooth … Continue reading »“LIVING ETERNALLY “


Wherefore o lord,do you destine me? A moment of brightness and then eclipsed sea. Which way do I go do come and tell me Mind tells a way heart has another key. Direction seems amiss and thoughts abyss! Hours pass,days run out,life stands still, Tasks are there,time’s shorts pirates tides little! How many breaths,do I take o lord before end subtle ? Posted in English PoetryTagged how many breaths do I take before my end subtle?Post navigation“Ode to Queen of Evening- the Harshringar”Silence Prevails


wonder ever this change in me Loss of courage,wherefore is the key Definitely there there were hesitations No new step gave me relaxation Yet there was a calm all over A quiet strong was the cover You and your strength took care Everything around me was bare Problems that rose to frighten Your presence safely did siphon Each trip ws tasked heavily Yet your powers completed it safely Stranded in maze I ever stood But your powers like pillars would Carves a safety for me in all fire That is why I look towards you, Sire! How long this ship’s … Continue reading »“AN EVER ANSWERED TRUST “